Answers to CS50x 2019 Problem Set 6: Python.

from cs50 import get_string
from sys import argv
import sys

def main():

    # Only receive two inputs.
    if len(argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: python dictionary")

    txt_file = argv[1]
    words = set()

    file = open(txt_file, "r")
    # we use readlines() to split the file into a list where each element is a line
    for line in file.readlines():

    # Get user input and convert to a list
    s = get_string("What message would you like to censor? \n")
    word_list = s.split()

    for i in range(len(word_list)):
        if word_list[i].lower() in words:
            word_list[i] = '*' * len(word_list[i])

    print(" ".join(word_list))

    if __name__ == "__main__":

if len(argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: ./caesar key")

k = int(argv[1])

s = get_string("plaintext: ")
print("ciphertext: ", end="")

for c in s:
    if ord(c)>64 and ord(c)<91:
        j = ord(c) + k
        while j > 90:
            j = j - 90 + 64
        print(f"{chr(j)}", end="")
    elif ord(c)>96 and ord(c)<123:
        j = ord(c) + k
        while j > 122:
            j = j - 122 + 96
        print(f"{chr(j)}", end="")
        print(f"{c}", end="")

from cs50 import get_float

while True:
    f = get_float("Change to be converted into coins: ")
    if f > 0:

cents = f * 100

    # while quarters can be used
quarters = 0
while (cents >= 25):
    quarters += 1
    cents = cents - 25

    # while dimes can be used
dimes = 0
while (cents >= 10):
    dimes += 1
    cents = cents - 10

    # while nickels can be used
nickels = 0
while (cents >= 5):
    nickels += 1
    cents = cents - 5

    # while pennies can be used
pennies = 0
while (cents >= 1):
    pennies += 1
    cents = cents - 1

print("Number of coins used = ", quarters + dimes + nickels + pennies)

from cs50 import get_int

    # get prompt
while True:
    n = get_int("Positive Integer: ")
    if n > 0 and n < 9:

hashes = 0

    # create rows
for i in range(n):
    hashes += 1

    # create hashes per row
    for j in range(n - hashes):
        print(" ", end="")
    for k in range(hashes):
        print("#", end="")
    print("  ", end="")
    for k in range(hashes):
        print("#", end="")